Talk Hydraulic mosaic and terrazzo: History and Evolution. Material Culture Perspective Biel Huguet [10.2022]


Talk Mosaic hidràulic i terrazo: Història i evolució. Cultura material Perspectiva Biel Huguet [09.06.2022]

El cicle ‘Cultura Material’ del COAC reflexiona com la tècnica de la fabricació de diferents materials presents a l’arquitectura s’adapta a les noves tecnologies preservant la tradició. Com es manté i alhora evoluciona la fabricació de rajoles, vidre, fusta i ceràmica.


La recuperación de la baldosa hidráulica | Biel Huguet

Las artes y los oficios https://www.march.es/es/palma/activid…
2 de marzo de 2022
Museu Fundación Juan March, Palma

Maintenance Advice

  • Download this document with more detailed advice
  • We have this maintenance kit available
  • For more serious stains contact a specialised company
  • Additional FILA information.

Apt London & Huguet


Aldredo Häberli, Dry Stone Wall Cycle

We want to introduce a serie of interviews talking about architecture and design.

*Dry Stone Wall: Wall made of selected stones interlocking with each other.


The Story of a Sink


Elías Torres, Dry Stone Wall Cycle

We want to introduce a serie of interviews talking about architecture and design.

*Dry Stone Wall: Wall made of selected stones interlocking with each other.


Lluís Clotet, Dry Stone Wall Cycle

We want to introduce a serie of interviews talking about architecture and design. This is the first one: Lluís Clotet, a very special one to us.

*Dry Stone Wall: Wall made of selected stones interlocking with each other.


Process, by Lola Buades

The hydraulic mosaic is characterized by manual production and by the unlimited decorative possibilities that it offers.